Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Checking in.

Hey all. I've gotten some e-mails, and even a phone call from some concerned friends wanting to know where I'm at, and if I'm still out there, and O.K.

I am and thank you!

One of my co-workers at the insurance company I work for has been on storm duty for the last month, which meant 50-60 hour work weeks for me. To top off the extra volume of work, due to being short handed, the time frame for coverage on a couple of storm losses we had here are now expired. Just prior to the time frame expiring for allowing insured's to have coverage for these older storms, the contractors around here were acting on these claims like vultures, trying to get every last one in under the wire for coverage. This was compounding the work volume into a much smaller time frame than we are used too, making the work loads even worse. What little personal free time I had was concentrated on my family, and on riding to get my head where it needed to be. Anyway, that time frame expiration thing is now past, and my co-worker is now back. Hopefully things will slow down to a more normal pace, allowing me some free personal time to do more of the things I love. One being blogging. I will do my best to check out as many as I can, but there is no way I'll get caught up with them all.

To those who contacted me with concern for my whereabouts, and well being,

Thank you.


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