I live in a newer construction residential development, thus where with out exaggerating, the kids will get bussed in. They can clean me out of a bag of 300 treats in a matter of an hour and a half. There will be a constant streaming line with little to no breaks, until the little kids are gone. Except for the little kids which we buy good treats for, we buy cheap small stuff for the bigger kids.
I'll be handing out candy till the rotten teenagers that are way too old to trick or treat are still knocking at the door. Eventually, I'll have had enough and I'll turn off the lights.
I may be a prick, but I made my kids stop trick or treating for this exact same reason when they turned thirteen.
I get annoyed when a sixteen year old knocks at my door at 10:30, no costume, no bag, and asks for a free handout. That Ain't what this was supposed to be about was it?
Do you want to know how I really feel? LOL! Just kidding. I LOVE the little ones in their costumes. It's just the big ones causing the problem here.
I'm all about Haloween. I do love it.
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